Mice Control

Mice Control

Mice Control Chelmsford

Welcome to Mice Control Chelmsford We can help with all your Mice Control Problems.

Pest Control Chelmsford are committed to providing a Mice Control and prevention service in Chelmsford which is efficient, dependable and a safe working environment for our customer whilst complying with legislative requirements.

We have gained many customers through recommendations over the years, both from the commercial and domestic market.

St George’s Pest Control Ltd is a member of the BPCA (British Pest Control Association) and has several accreditations including CHAS, Constructionline, Safecontractor, CSCS and have been approved by the Essex County Council – Buy with Confidence scheme.

For all your Mice Control Problems and for a Mice Control Quote please contact us on 01245 327 274


The House Mouse seeks the warmth and shelter inside buildings for nesting sites and food. Their presence is usually detected from their dark-coloured droppings or damage to stored foods in the larder, packaging or woodwork. They climb well and can squeeze through very small gaps.

The House Mouse is 9-13cms long from nose to base of tail. Typically weighing between

10-40 grams, varying in colour from white-grey to light brown-black, the mouse has large ears and small eyes.

Mice have a compulsive need to gnaw in order to keep their incisor teeth worn down to a constant length. They can cause considerable damage to electric cables, water and gas pipes, packaging and woodwork.

Becoming sexually mature in 8 to 10 weeks, the female mouse produces 8 litters a year, with each litter producing between 6 to16 young, a mouse infestation can grow rapidly if not treated early.

Mice are erratic, sporadic feeders, nibbling at many sources of food rather than taking repeated meals from any one item. They do not need free water to drink as they normally obtain sufficient moisture from their food.

The average mouse deposits 70 droppings in 24 hours and urinates frequently to mark its territory.

Mice are capable of carrying many diseases and contaminate far more food than they consume.


To clear a mouse problem both internally and externally we would position rodenticide baits in specific areas and follow up weekly until the mouse infestation has been cleared.

If the problem is internal the rodenticide bait would be placed in plastic bait boxes in safe areas such as kitchen cupboards, store rooms, lofts, basements and garages.

In external areas we would use lockable bait boxes positioned around buildings and surrounding areas.

Recommendations would be made to improve housekeeping and stacking to aid pest control measures, including recommendations for proofing to reduce further risk of rodent entry.

Other services offered are : Mouse Exterminator, Mice Removal, Mice Exterminator, Mice Control, Mice Control Price, Mice Prevenation, Mice Infestation, we also cater for Mice in Domestic and Commercial properties throughout Chelmsford.


Q: Can you clear a mice infestation in my home without harming my pets or children?
A: Yes. We would install rodenticide baits into the loft, under kitchen units and anywhere else safe to do so. We would not place any products where your pets or children could come into contact with them